Ashoka International Centre for Educational Studies and Research is NAAC accredited with B+ grade and ISO 9001:2015 college of Education at Nasik, offering B.Ed. course. It is affiliated to S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai and is recognized by National Council of Teacher Education (N.C.T.E.) and Maharashtra Government. It prepares students for a degree of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.). It is a private, permanently unaided minority college. The institute was established in 2008.
It has completed 16 years of service. It was started with the sole purpose of creating well trained techno savvy teachers who would be familiar with the latest methodology of teaching. AICESR is committed to impart need based, practical education to the students. It believes in holistic development of students. AICESR believes in creating teachers who are strongly rooted in Indian culture. It provides value based innovative teacher education and endeavors to create teachers who are aware of the multiculturalism of Indian society.
AICESR is known to provide the best of facilities for its students. It is blessed with a conducive environment keeping in mind the need of the present with a futuristic outlook. It has a green building designed with a purpose of creating pleasant ambiance. Other infrastructural facilities include a spacious Multipurpose Hall, Seminar Hall, Psychology lab, staff room etc. Within a very short span of time, it has made a name for itself due to its belief in providing quality education.
AICESR has got highly qualified & proficient faculty fully dedicated to empower learners for self-exploration. The institution has a strong culture of mentoring the students. In order to keep faculty abreast of the latest in the field of education, a number of faculty development programmes are organized by the institute. Our students come from varied background and work together to achieve their best. English Language communication class and Student Development Programmes ensure students’ holistic development.
Excellence in Education through need based, holistic approach for self exploration and global citizenship without losing the ethos of Indian culture
The mission of AICESR is to help prepare outstanding educators through innovative teaching learning strategies, skill development and the effective use of technology in an environment that values diversity, individuality, and mutual respect for the free exchange of ideas with an emphasis on service to community.
We, at Ashoka Education Foundation, are committed to impart need based, practical education to the students. We are determined for holistic development of students with the help of highly qualified & proficient faculties fully dedicated to empower learner for self-exploration.
We endeavour to keep our student abreast with Technical & Skill Specific knowledge to provide opportunities to develop abilities so as to contribute to global development on knowledge based technological era.
We will achieve students’ satisfaction with our high ethical standards, professional integrity & shall strive for excellence to create responsible global citizens with deep rooted ethos of Indian culture & tradition.